IUOE Local 12 Vacation Pay FAQs

Vacation Pay FAQs
Below is a full list of information on how your Vacation Pay works with OE Federal.
What changes have been made to my vacation pay?
As in previous years, you will receive your 2022 vacation pay in December for hours worked July 2021 – June 2022. The trust fund will mail your vacation pay check on December 1, 2022.
The deposit in January 2023 will be for hours worked July 2022 – November 2022. Starting on February 5, 2023, monthly deposits will be made on the fifth of each month for hours worked two months prior. For example, your vacation pay deposited in February 2023 will be for hours worked in December 2022. OE Federal has provided a monthly vacation pay schedule through mailing.
Those members who don’t open a membership with OE Federal will have limited access to their vacation pay funds. The Trust Fund holds the funds until they issue an annual check in December. They will no longer allow on-demand withdrawals through mail or walk-ins.
When will my vacation pay funds be available at OE Federal Credit Union?
The deadline to open an account for the initial January 5th, 2023 deposit was December 28th, 2022. If you opened account before the deadline, you will receive your vacation pay on January 5th, 2023.
If you open an account with OE Federal after that deadline, you will have access to all of your vacation pay the month after you opened your account.
Vacation pay is deposited the 5th of every month into your checking account at OE Federal. If the 5th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, your vacation pay will be deposited on the next business day. Those members who don’t open a membership with OE Federal will have limited access to their vacation pay funds. The Trust Fund holds the funds until they issue an annual check in December. They will no longer allow on-demand withdrawals through mail or walk-ins
I have a question about my current vacation pay (not related to OE Federal), who do I contact?
Members must call the Trust Fund (not the Union) to dispute or discuss Vacation Pay discrepancies.
Can I transfer my vacation pay funds to my regular bank?
Yes, through Online Banking, external transfer, Zelle, issued official check, personal check, or wire transfer w/fee.
If I close my checking account, what will happen to my vacation pay funds?
We require a checking account for you to access your funds.
We will never return funds when an open account is present. If you have opted to close your checking account, the funds will be deposited to your Primary Savings account.
I don’t have a valid ID, can I still open my account?
Government regulations require us to obtain current, valid ID from all new members. Please reach out to us so that we can review your specific situation.
I still owe dues – does this affect my vacation pay?
No, but please make arrangement with your union to pay your dues.
My account was opened but I am no longer part of IUOE Local 12, will my account(s) be closed?
Once you’re an OE Federal Credit Union member you can remain a member.
I never received my membership information, what do I do?
If you successfully opened your account with OE Federal and cannot locate your membership information, call us at 800.877-4444.
I have a question regarding the breakdown of my vacation pay deposit.
Contact the IUOE Local 12 Trust Fund to get more information.
I did not receive my vacation pay check in December, will I get it through the Credit Union?
Contact the IUOE Local 12 Trust Fund on for information on reissuing your vacation pay check.
Do I need to add funds to my account now?
No, you can wait for the vacation pay deposit on January 5, 2023 to fund your account.
What time will my funds be available?
We expect to post your vacation pay funds by 8 am on the 5th of the month. Please review the account opening deadlines to determine when you will receive funds in your account.
I want to use my account now. What do I need to do?
Once you’ve completed the membership application process (online or through the mail), we’ll get your account information to you. You can begin using your new account as soon as you receive the information.
How do I obtain my account/member number?
We’ll provide your member/account number in one of two ways:
- Members who complete our Online Membership Application and do not require additional review will receive their account number immediately.
- For members who apply through a paper application or whose Online Membership Application requires additional review, will receive their account number via email after their membership is opened.
Once your membership is established, you can also obtain your account number by phone or by visiting any branch location.
Is there a deadline to have my account opened?
You can open an account at any time with OE Federal to receive your monthly vacation pay deposits.
The deadline to open an account for the initial January 5th, 2023 deposit was December 28th, 2022. If you open an account with OE Federal after that deadline, you will have access to all of your vacation pay the month after you opened your account.
Those members who don’t open a membership with OE Federal will have limited access to their vacation pay funds. The Trust Fund holds the funds until they issue an annual check in December. They will no longer allow on demand withdrawals through mail or walk-ins
Can I pay my union dues or medical benefits through OE Federal?
We offer a number of options to use your new OE Federal account to pay your Union Dues. You can pay by:
- Official Check issued by our Call Center or branch teams
- Online Bill Payment
- Personal check written on your new OE Federal checking account
- Using your new debit card at the district office
What happens if I change employer’s, will my vacation pay still post to this account?
Your vacation pay is processed through your union’s Trust Fund and is not dependent on your employer. Vacation Pay deposits will continue to post to your OE Federal account.
Why is my vacation pay amount different from the amount listed on my paystub?
The Vacation Pay deposit to your OE Federal account is two months behind. This gives your Trust Fund sufficient time to process your payments. The amount on your paystub shows the current amount up to that pay period.
I have opened a checking account. When will I receive my debit card?
Due to supply chain issues, members waiting for their debit cards may experience a delay of 6 weeks from the date their membership application is received. This includes a mailing time of five to seven business days. In the meantime, we encourage you to sign up for online banking so that you have access to your vacation pay funds as soon as they become available. Through online banking you can deposit checks, transfer funds to other financial institutions, pay bills, set up automatic transfers, and so much more!
What are the requirements to open this account?
To establish your account, we need a completed membership application (either online or mailed to us) and a current, valid government issued ID.
Where is the nearest branch or closest Shared Branch?
With thousands of Shared Branching locations around the country, chances are we have one near you. Visit our ATMs and Branches page to find a shared branching or ATM location!
Can you automatically send me a check instead of me having to call in each month?
To make it easy to receive checks for your vacation pay, sign into our Online Banking and establish either:
- Automatic checks to you using our convenient Online Bill Payment system; or
- Set up automated transfers to other accounts
What are your business hours for member services?
You can reach us at (800) 877-4444, 7:30 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday. Branch hours vary by location. Check our website for the most current information.
Does my account have a monthly service fee?
Your accounts with OE Federal do not have a monthly service fee.
Can I close my account at any time?
While you can close your accounts at any time, it may impact the receipt of your Vacation Pay funds.